What to Expect

What to wear
Where to park
Where to enter
When I arrive
Before the service starts
During the service
After the service
What If?

What to wear:

Some people dress up, most go “business casual;” a handful of people wear jeans. We invite you to wear whatever is most real and comfortable for you. Some ladies wear head coverings that are traditional to our Mennonite heritage. (What are head coverings?)

Where to park:

Parking is located on either side of Long Road. There are also a few parking spaces at the back of the church for handicap entrance.

Where to enter:

Most people use the door closest to the road. Upon entering there are stairs that lead to the foyer outside of the worship sanctuary and stairs that lead downstairs to the fellowship hall and children's classrooms.
Please feel free to use the rear entrance of the church if you need to use a wheelchair or would like to avoid using the stairs.

When I arrive:

  • Where do I hang my coat? There is a coat room to your left at the top of the stairs. 
  • Where are the bathrooms? The bathrooms are located in the foyer outside the sanctuary (straight ahead at the top of the stairs). There are also bathrooms in the basement fellowship hall (straight ahead at the bottom of the stairs)  Ask anyone you see to direct you, if needed.

Before the service starts:

  • What if I’m early? You can ask an usher for a tour or you can look at the bulletin boards in the foyer and hallway. You can also sit in the foyer.  You can find someone to talk with. You can sit in the sanctuary where we have our service and listen to the pre-service music, or look at the bulletin.  It’s not uncommon for there to be only a few people in the sanctuary until the last minute because many people are coming from Sunday School which is held from 9:20 to 10:00. By the way, you are welcome to join us there as well!
  • Where do I take my kids? Children of any age are welcome in the service. If you’d like to have your young child cared for during the service, or provide a way to amuse themselves, there is a nursery available in the hallway beside the coat room. The nursery is staffed upon request.
  • Are there assigned seats? No. Please sit anywhere you are comfortable.
  • What if I have special needs?  Hearing assistance devices are available for those who need it. Please see an usher.

During the Service

  • How long will I be there? The service starts at 10:00am and usually lasts about an hour. While we try to get done by 11:00 each week, sometimes we can go longer—if you’ve made plans and have to leave before the service is done, we understand.
  • What happens during the service? Each service includes times of singing, prayer, a teaching time “sermon”, some announcements, and reading from the Bible.  Some weeks will include extra elements like special musical performances, drama,  or communion (remembering Jesus’ death with a special ceremony).
  • What is the music like? We sing music in two different styles: a traditional style with songs sung in four-part harmony without instruments and a selection of newer songs led by a team of musicians. Both styles of music are enjoyable and all of our songs have important words that talk about God and our relationship with Him. The words of our songs are either projected on a screen or listed in a song book (hymnal) so that you can sing along.
  • What do I need to do? When you come to our services, you can participate as much or as little as you like. If you have a Bible, you can bring it along. If you don’t, there are Bibles available in each pew (bench).  If you just want to listen to the singing, you can do that, too. The leaders up front will let you know when to sit, stand, etc.
  • Will I need money for anything? During the service, we pass baskets for church members to give financial gifts to the church. While you are more than welcome to share if you want to, we don’t expect that of you. We value your time and consider your presence a gift to our church. 
  • Who are the people up front? There are a number of people upfront during the service every week. You will probably see the pastor who will teach, the Praise Team or song leader who leads the singing,  and a “worship leader” who reads the Scripture, leads the prayer time, and makes sure everything runs smoothly. You will also see people telling stories, giving announcements, doing drama, and more—we like to get as many people involved as we can!
  • What if I don’t understand something? Feel free to ask! When the service is over, ask someone who is sitting near you to explain. Or if you aren’t comfortable with that, find the pastor or one of the people you saw up front. We don’t want you to leave without understanding what you heard.

After the Service

  • Greeting the Pastor: After each service, Pastor Sherman Stoltzfus stands at the center door in the back of the sanctuary. If you’d like to talk to him, you can exit through those doors. If you would prefer not to, there are plenty of other ways out of the sanctuary.
  • Conversation: People stand around and talk after the service is over— and some of them might want to talk with you! Someone might invite you to dinner or tell you about an event coming up in the next few weeks. It’s ok to say “no” if you have other plans or just would rather go home (but be forewarned—we are REALLY good cooks!!).
What If?
We understand that you probably have questions about faith, church, and God.
Maybe you wonder if you would even fit in here or belong.

What if I wasn’t baptized or am from a different church?
Regardless of where you went to church in the past, or if you never went at all …you are welcome to worship with us!

What if I don’t agree with everything you believe in?
You are still welcome to worship God with us. If you don’t believe there is a God, please spend some time with us and we pray that you will be able to see otherwise.

What if I don’t understand what you’re talking about?
Questions are welcome. Feel free to ask someone seated near you after the service or see an elder who is available to greet everyone in the foyer after the service.

What if I just want my kids to attend?
Your children may attend without you, but we ask you to leave contact information with one of the ushers if you are not going to be on the premises. Even better, come with them a time or two so that you can get to know and trust some of the people who will be teaching them!

What if I need help (financial, counseling, etc)?
You may speak to the pastor after the service or contact the church office, who will direct you depending on your specific needs.